Monday, March 22, 2010

Wo Wo Wo !!!

In the Scriptures the Lord warns us with a "wo". Now and then He will say "Wo, Wo".  Occasionally He will declare "Wo Wo Wo"!  America is a choice land.  It was blessed by our Creator.  It was chosen by Him as a place for His people to gather where they would be safe and free.  The freedom He blessed them with was the freedom to make choices about their own lives, and the freedom to "worship How, Where, and What they may."  It was our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ who prepared and divinely inspired men of great character to write our Constitution.  It is not by chance that people have fought to keep the Constitution upheld for over two hundred years!  Whether we consciously realize it or not, our "inner selves"  recognize the sacredness of the Constitution of the United States of America.  I believe we are witnessing a very dangerous time in the history of our nation and the history of the world.  I believe that there will be consequences for our actions, and the behaviors of men and women in power who are blatantly disregarding the sacred oaths they have taken to uphold the Constitution of this country.  I was reading the words to America the Beautiful today.  I have posted the words of two of the chorus's.  Please take a moment to read them. . . slowly. . . . and think about the meaning of these inspired words. 

America! America!

God mend thine ev'ry flaw,

Confirm thy soul in self-control,

Thy liberty in law.

America! America!

May God thy gold refine

Till all success be nobleness,

And ev'ry gain divine.

Today While The Sun Shines,   
          I will do all I can possibly do to ensure the security of the Constitution of my country.  I will hold onto my conservative values and beliefs and will do more to seek out leaders who hold to traditional American values and are willing to fight for them.  I will do all I can do to leave a choice land for my Grandchildren to inherit.  I will pray that we will be successful in placing people in leadership positions, who will do the will of the Lord and will serve the people with integrity and humility. 

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