Monday, March 1, 2010

Hearts and Hands

If there is one thing you can count on with LDS women, it's that when they get together. .  . . . 
On Saturday our Stake Relief Society sisters in the Show Low AZ Stake, did a remarkable thing.  We held a service day that surpassed anything I had seen on a local level before!

We had 7 work stations.

1. Socks. 318 pairs of new socks,535 pairs of used socks, and 410 single socks, along with cash donations, were donated to be sent to the valley to the "One Small Step" organization which puts together peoples mismatched socks for the homeless.

2.  Mittens. 133 pairs of mittens (many that were hand knitted )were donated and will be sent to LDS Humanitarian Services for distribution throughout the world.

3.  Food. 277 cans of food were donated for our local "Love Kitchen".

 4.  Childrens Clothing.  38 large garbage bags full of clothing donations were collected and were
taken to our local "Living Hope House" for unwed mothers.  10 bags of women's and childrens clothing were taken to our local Safe House for battered women and children.

5.  Loom Hats were made and donated to our local hospital's Labor and Delivery department for new infants to wear.  We completed 597 caps.  Some of the larger size hats will be sent to Los Angeles for distribution to the homeless, and the rest will be sent to Salt Lake City for distribution throughout the world.
6.  Quilts.  We completed 10 full size quilts and two baby quilts. These will be sent to the LDS Humanitarian Center for distribution throughout the world.
7.  Fleece baby blankets.  We tied 64 fleece baby blankets and donated them to the Show Low Police Dept. and they will distribute them to the Safe House.

A Waffle Breakfast

We were served a wonderful breakfast of Waffles.  Thanks to Mindy and Jason Matyas and Lisa Reed!!  The Coconut Syrup was a huge hit!!               

What a wonderful day of service!  Thanks to all of the ladies of the Show Low AZ Stake for contributing their time, talents, and means, to make this happen! 
And two of my favorite ladies. . . . . Roni and Heidi. . . . . I have learned so much about service from watching them! 

I feel blessed to live in this time, blessed to have such beautiful friends, blessed to be a member of the worlds largest women's organization that is devoted to serving, loving and bringing the light of Christ into the lives of the people we touch.

A few of my favorite quotes:

"True Christianity is love in action."  David O. McKay

" How simple it is, really, to extend a kindess when we see the need.  God helps us to recognize the opportunities we have, every day, to touch lives in small and simple ways."  Marjorie Pay Hinckley

"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God."  Mosiah 2:17

"What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?"  George Elliot

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass."  Alma 37:6
Today While the Sun Shines:    I will ask myself. . . . .

"Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed!

Has anyone's burden been lighter today,
Because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?"

Hymn 223
LDS Hymnbook

1 comment:

Roni said...

What a great post Melissa. Thanks for all you do. You are awesome!